Thursday, December 15, 2011

Christmas backdrops

Here are a couple of backdrops I did for Christmas parties. The first on is a Dr. Seuss, Grinch style. It is painted on a 12x9 canvas. The second is a train winter painting, it is also on a 12x9 canvas. I am renting them out for 50$ so if you are interested my email is

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

TMNT Logos

These are logos I did for the Turtles, Purple Dragons, and a tattoo that Rocksteady is going to get

Ninja Turtles

Here are my concept designs for my Ninja Turtles Comic. These are creatures that you would hate to run into, not the cartoony versions that I loved as a child. Actually if I had to admit it I still love them. Anyway in my version, the Shredder has two criminal organizations. The one that is run by Crang which is a white collar, espionage, and world order type of crime. The other is the Purple Dragons, which was designed to keep the police distracted with robbery, assault, gang violence, and drugs. The Turtles start out by fighting the purple dragons but realize the much bigger picture. Shedder is tired of the Turtles so he puts a hit out on them. Bebop , a member of the PD's has a cousin who is in the IRA, Rocksteady. Rocksteady is contracted to eliminate the turtles, but fails. as punishment Bebop and Rocksteady are genetically altered. Baxter Stockman is the arrogant scientist who gets a little to cocky and transforms himself into a monster. That is as far as I have gotten on the story, but expect to see all your TMNT favorites.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Secret Society

While looking at my only dollar bill this afternoon, I made a startling discovery. The dollar bill has secret symbols on them. So I embarked on a Dan Brown style adventure to unravel the mysteries of our one dollar bill. Little did I know of the treachery that awaited me, had I known I wouldn't have wasted that last hour and a half. So back to the beginning I noticed a slight discoloration around the eye on top of the pyramid, so using my vast knowledge of science I found a hidden symbol surrounding the eye. It was the alpha and omega which are Greek, so I traveled to Greece where I discovered the same symbol on pillars thousands of years old. I placed my dollar bill over the one on the pillar and opened a secret passage. From there I found a sphinx who was going to eat my unless I solved the centuries old riddle "what kind of triangle has 4 sides" Easy. From there I found the lair of the secret society of the three headed snake (it was very ominous). They were supper mad I found them. I took off running for my life being followed by an angry mob, who was gaining, I really need to work on my cardio. Wait a sec. I don't want to give away the ending. You guys will just have to wait until my book comes out, hopefully next year.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Sloth no Evil

Monkeys, why is it always monkeys. Is it because they are the closest creatures to ourselves, so we always put them in the position of avoiding evil. I do not agree with this at all, monkeys are the root of all evil, in fact I am pretty sure they are the only animal other than humans to have broken all ten commandments. So I propose a new mascot for the see no evil hear no evil and speak no evil statues, Sloths. I know what you are thinking, sloth that is one of the seven deadly sins, but I think they got a bad rap for that. I mean they didn't name themselves did they? I think that sloths are one of the only creatures to not have sinned, I mean it is really hard to commit a sin while hanging upside down. Have you tried it? Really the whole time you are upside down you are thinking to yourself "I hope I don't fall on my head". So in conclusion sloths should be the avoiding evil representatives we look to for guidance.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011


I've been working on this sculpture of the hulk, and I am pretty close to finishing him. I just wanted to put some images up to give you guys an idea of how it going. So Ta-Da The HULK he's just so angry.


Finally, we get to the zombie post, I know you've all been waiting anxiously. Really these are only concept sketches of my main character who fights zombies. He is stationed in a city a year after the zombie apocalypse. His day job is to kill all zombies in his sector. Everything goes haywire when he saves a 2 year old boy from his zombified mother, and he realizes that the boy is immune to the zombie virus. The government wants to kill him, the radicals want to experiment on him, the zombies just want to eat him, and the soldier has to save him.
His suit is military, completely covering the body, thus eliminating any biting. also no fingers are exposed, because it is just dangerous to have those little appendages exposed to get bitten off.
His weapons include a variate of small arms, a couple of edged weapons, and a bolt pistol, let the zombie carnage proceed.


My friend Cameron gave me this idea a while back and I've been playing with it on and off for a while now. Prometheon, are a group of soldiers who wear Armour of slain angels. The ruler of the land is evil, so his soldiers are doing evil. The Armour does not like this so it drains their energy, so the ruler has to continually replace the Prometheon. In contrast a slave happens upon a slain demon's Armour, she turn out to be good. She also has the Archangel Micheal's halo (weapon). A battle ensues, and good triumphs once again. I am hoping to turn this into a short graphic novel. Anyway these are the concept designs for their Armour.

Natalee Pam Bostwick "Nettie"

So it has been a few months since I have posted anything. I have some good reasons, but that is no excuse for depriving you (the three people who actually follow my blog) of my exquisite illustrations , and accompanying words of wisdom. It is too late now, all I can do is be a better blogger from now on. So I do now make a vow to be a better blogger from now on. Wheew, I am glad I got that off my chest, now we may proceed. I have 3 or 4 post I will do today, but first I wanted to let you know that Jeni and had our second baby on the 27th. She was 6 lbs 3 oz and
18 in tall we had two names picked out Zoey Kerr, and Jade Ivy. I had little nursery rhymes for both, but as you can see from the title we went with neither. It took us three days, but we eventually settled on Natalee. I do not have a nursery rhyme for Natalee, so I will now share the ones we will not be using.

Zoey Goodnight,
Zoey sleep tight,
The dark night slowly creeps.
Turn out the light,
Zoey Goodnight,
Angels watch her as she sleeps.

Little Jade Ivy,
sit down beside me
and tell me a tale of woe.

So, she sat down and said,
its off with your head.
the moral is you reap what you sow.

so there they are, I was going to do some sweet vintage illustration in ink. I probably will get to them eventually, but for now you can just enjoy these little nuggets of wonder.

Monday, March 7, 2011

ROBOCOP concept art

These are some concept art designs I did for the upcoming Robo cop movie. (I will post more later)
I tried to stay true to the original concept without being cheesy. It has sort of a Iron man feel as well. I gave him detachable wings, thrusters on his boots, and a machine gun in his forearm( There is a detachable pack with round that feed into his arm). I hope you guys enjoy, and This is not really for the movie I just like saying so cause it makes me feel like I have accomplished something.

Thundercats concept art

All right I just finished these two pics. Again they are based of of G.I. Joe Renegades cartoon. I gave them a new style with a little throwback to their original costumes. Also a little military desing sprinkled in for fun. I did not have time to do the twins or Snarf, I will try to get to them later, heaven knows they all need a makeover.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011


Yesterday upon the stair,
I met a man who wasn't there.
He wasn't there again today.
I wish that he would go away.

One fine day, in the middle of the night,
Two dead boys got up to fight.
Back to back they faced each other,
Drew their swords and shot each other.

Both of these poems I heard the other day and they inspired me to do my own similar style creepy poetry.

The Fight:
We were mortal enemies, My friend and I.
This tale is true, a clever lie.
As we lay on the ground late one night,
on a bright sunny day we stood to fight.
An easy opponent too hard to defeat,
Back to back our eyes did meet.
We raised our sword to draw a line.
He took aim, and I took mine.
A deadly silence we both could hear.
Each with bright hope in our dark fear.
T'was an accident designed by fate,
All too soon we were now late.
Our spirits cleansed we lie in the dirt,
Bleeding from wounds that did not hurt.
Both now dead we did arise,
With warm greetings we made our goodbyes
Standing still we ran away,
Living to die another day.
I realize now too late to see,
There were not two, but only me.

I'm dead, I'm dead, I'm in the ground.
High above with angel wings unbound.
My spirit soars into the light.
My body encased in eternal night.

The Key:
To a door not there I hold the key.
Never, never shall I be free.

A Frightening Truth:
I'm sure there's a monster under my bed.
Eyes so dark, and glowing red.
Perhaps this vision is all in my head.
No, I guess not 'cause now I am dead.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Thundercats HOOOOOO!

So the new G. I. Joe Renegades is awsome. I think it is a very well thought out take on the modern joes. Anyway the character artist, Clement Sauve, passed away in Jan. from cancer at the age of 33. He did some great work, so I decided to do my own take on his style. These are the Mutants from thundercats, Jackelman, Slithe, Vultureman, and Monkian. I hope you guys like what I did with them, I tried to stay true to their original look, with modern updates. I should have the thundercats themselves and Mumm-Ra next week.

Monday, January 31, 2011

Steampunk Joe's

So its been a little while. I have been looking at a lot of Illustration blogs and noticed that a lot of them do their own versions of their favorite cartoon or characters from years gone by. like transformers, thundercats, darkwing duck, ect. ect. So I decided to do some concept art of my own featuring the stars of 80's and 90's cartoons. First up are concept posters for a steampunk version of G.I. Joes, hope you like.