Tuesday, February 22, 2011


Yesterday upon the stair,
I met a man who wasn't there.
He wasn't there again today.
I wish that he would go away.

One fine day, in the middle of the night,
Two dead boys got up to fight.
Back to back they faced each other,
Drew their swords and shot each other.

Both of these poems I heard the other day and they inspired me to do my own similar style creepy poetry.

The Fight:
We were mortal enemies, My friend and I.
This tale is true, a clever lie.
As we lay on the ground late one night,
on a bright sunny day we stood to fight.
An easy opponent too hard to defeat,
Back to back our eyes did meet.
We raised our sword to draw a line.
He took aim, and I took mine.
A deadly silence we both could hear.
Each with bright hope in our dark fear.
T'was an accident designed by fate,
All too soon we were now late.
Our spirits cleansed we lie in the dirt,
Bleeding from wounds that did not hurt.
Both now dead we did arise,
With warm greetings we made our goodbyes
Standing still we ran away,
Living to die another day.
I realize now too late to see,
There were not two, but only me.

I'm dead, I'm dead, I'm in the ground.
High above with angel wings unbound.
My spirit soars into the light.
My body encased in eternal night.

The Key:
To a door not there I hold the key.
Never, never shall I be free.

A Frightening Truth:
I'm sure there's a monster under my bed.
Eyes so dark, and glowing red.
Perhaps this vision is all in my head.
No, I guess not 'cause now I am dead.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Thundercats HOOOOOO!

So the new G. I. Joe Renegades is awsome. I think it is a very well thought out take on the modern joes. Anyway the character artist, Clement Sauve, passed away in Jan. from cancer at the age of 33. He did some great work, so I decided to do my own take on his style. These are the Mutants from thundercats, Jackelman, Slithe, Vultureman, and Monkian. I hope you guys like what I did with them, I tried to stay true to their original look, with modern updates. I should have the thundercats themselves and Mumm-Ra next week.