Monday, December 13, 2010


I had a busy week last week. I had a lot of projects to finish. While working on said projects I watched quite a few movies, and one of them was Donnie Darko. I forgot how much I enjoyed this movie. So I decided to do a little sketch of Fred.

Thursday, December 2, 2010


So it has been a little while. I've been dealing with baby's, holiday travel, artist block, ninja clans, you know how it is. Finally here it is my final nightmare, THE SPEE, or spidee, or beeder, or bider, I haven't settled on a name yet. This is an actual nightmare I had last night, and it was kinda scary. I was on a train, you know one of those old fashioned passenger trains. A giant Amazon spider, against all odds, mated with a Queen killer bee. With the stinging power of the killer bee, and the deadly bite of a really deadly spider, this was not an insect to be trifled with. So there I was, surrounded by this swarm of Spee's. They had killed all the other passengers, I was the lone survivor facing this awful threat to man kind. What was I to do, jump to safety? No, We were travailing over a bridge, a very, very long bridge, and a jump from that height would be certain death. Besides if I jumped the Spee's would be free to wreak havoc over the entire globe, no, I could never let this happen. My only choice was to blow up the train along with this monstrous infestation. I most likely would not survive this heroic en devour, but this was my defining moment, sacrificing myself for the greater good. While the world went along in safety, not not knowing the valiant deed that was done. I fought my way though sting, after sting, bite, after bite. Poison, seeping through my veins I finally reached my destination. With the last bit of energy I can muster, and with the weight of the hord on top of me I reach for the plunger connected to TNT strategically placed along the train for maximum destructivity. My hand moves closer to our salvation , closer, close, and then... I wake up.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010


My head is full of nonsense and monsters. These are a few of them. First we have failure dancing a jig, he is always on my mind. Then there is the part of me that should be kept in a mental institution(personally I think all of us has one of those). Then here in the back of my mind in a dimly lit room is my two headed monster Depression and Pain. They get out a lot more than I would like. Then we have Anger, He is always shouting at others but I am the only one that hears him. He would like me to rant and rave just like him. In the back is where I keep all my Stress. These little monsters are a constant pain in my neck. And finally the one who lives under the stairs. I have never let him out, actually he scares me. He whispers to me in the dark, Things I cannot repeat. Some of these monsters get lose every now and then. Some, hopefully, never will, but they do all reside here in my mind.


This is Phil, he is a Mini Minotaur. I picked him up as a baby, on one of my Bigfoot (Yeti) expeditions to Belgium. More well known for its waffles, it is my goal to makeBelgium the Sasquatch capital of the world. Anyway I digress, not have found the proof of a large bi-pedal hominid, I picked up Phil to ease my pain. You can really find anything on the black market, except Yeti's. So I brought him home and built a little labyrinth for him to live in. At the center of this maze I placed my most valuable possession, Reese's peanut butter cups. Ask my wife I really do treasure them, and now I have a little monster to guard them for me. That is if I remember to feed him other wise he'll eat all of my Reese's.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010


This Image combines some of my greatest fears, Clown, Kangaroos, and TNT. I don't have to tell you that the thought of getting an exploding pie to the face is terrifying. Australia has some of the deadliest spiders, and snakes on the planet. but you never hear about the CLOWNAROO. It hops though the outback praying on its unsuspecting victims, with a pie to the face. and when the laughing is done you explode.

(FYI. I am not really afraid of Clown, or Kangaroos. I am on the other hand frightened at the thought of blowing up).

Sunday, November 14, 2010


No matter what you do, toy bunnies always return.

Saturday, November 13, 2010


We all know the song, a creature descending on us from above. Frightened for our lives we begin to run, only to be stopped by a voice assuring us safety. The creature approaches, and asks if we know a rock and roll band he could join. Later we see him on t.v. playing music from the horn on his head, all is well. Alas my friends, the truth is much more grim. This one eyed one horned flying purple people-eater, does not just eat purple. To let you in on a well known fact THERE ARE NO SUCH THINGS AS PURPLE!!!!. So I suggest if you see this flying monstrosity do not be fooled by his charming personality, nor his brilliant horn play. He is a deadly beast that just wants to consume you. The song was a marketing ploy to make people think that these things are cute, and cuddly. Just like Hollywood did with Vampires. A love struck vampire, Please give me a break. Stupid Twilight ruined vampires for ever. If I was a vampire (and I might be, I haven't got the blood work back) I would eat tha writter for macking my species look like pansies, nobody is afraid of things that sparkle. You never hear "AAAAAGH it's sparkling, run for your lives". On the contrary things that sparkle are fun, for example, cider, jelly shoes, and cheerleader outfits.


Today was my wife's birthday, she turned 30+, so this is really her little nightmare.


The Chupacabra, the goat sucker. Some say it is a mythical beast, born of imagination to scare children into staying in their beds at night. I wholeheartedly disagree. It was a lonely stretch of road many a year ago. It was a calm, dark night as I drove through highway 191 in southern Utah aka route 666. My eyes grew heavy and my sight was dim, I had to stop for the night. Somewhere between sleep and reality, I heard a blood curdling scream. I bolted up, as my eyes adjusted to the blackness , there in the distance I saw him. The creature approached. I colud not belive my eyes, was it a cougar, a wolf, or coyote, by its stature perhaps a small bear. This could not be a figure seldom seen and rarely survived. It was the dreaded Chupacabra (I knew this had to be because of my vast knowledge of cryptozoology). He came right up to my window, frozen with fear I could just watch in unbelief. Was this how it was to end eaten on this lonely stretch of road. I look into his eyes and saw pain. He opened his mouth. This was it! I sat ready to meet my fate. But wait, the teeth did not descend upon me. On closer inspection I notices he had a goats leg stuck between his teeth. I rolled down my window, and gently removed the obstruction. He took his leave, but turned to look back, his glance was one that said thanks, you are safe. For now. Needless to say I was awake and returned home that verey night, and I made great time.


From the darkest depths of the forest comes this unthinkable demon. Before he was born his mother cursed the heavens for having a thirteenth child. For that blasphemy the child punished with the head of a horse, wings of a bat, and cloven feet. The creature was hideous and before a word was uttered he broke through the widow, and took flight. This creature was forever to be known as "The JERSEY DEVIL"!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010


Today's drawing is a little different it is a little sketchy. My wife is an 8th grade science teacher, and if dealing with brain dead middle school kids all day, she also has to deal with their Idiotic parents who think the whole world revolves around their kid and everyone should just bend to their whim. Jeni got an email today from a mom (who in the email claims to be very intelligent) saying that my wife is using her power as a teacher to brainwash the kids with her religious, liberal, social agenda. This is a lesson about what humans have done to negatively affect our planet(there are many examples that make this a fact). This is a subject required by UTAH to be taught in class. Jeni is a scientist and wants the children to think for themselves independent of parents and leaders. She wants them to form their own opinions of the world. But there are parents who want to Isolate their kids from the world and theirs are the only views and ideas to be trusted, and everything else is of the devil. They canot think outside their own little selfish world, and they or their children cannot be expected to listen and try to understand any new or different ideas. I am kinda ranting right now because my wife cannot. She can and WILL explain to these parents the need for this type of assignment in a much kinder way than I would, and for that I commend her. anyway I don't know if any of this makes any sense, the picture is of a little boy with a brain washer on his head, Stupid Parents!

Monday, November 8, 2010


This is Sid, say Hi Sid. ..... Sid doesn't talk much. He is a ax murdering squirrel, you can tell by his really big ax. he is the original nightmare in the ELM tree. You and him will not have any problems just as long as you stay away from his nuts!!!. (I know it was a really dumb joke, but I had to do it).

Sunday, November 7, 2010


I kinda felt bad about combining two days, so today I came up with two little drawings. I hope you guys enjoy them. The first is a zombie sheep, pretty self explanatory, just keep your distance and you will be fine. the second is a cute little Aracbbid(I am working on the name give me a break it is a lot of effort to be clever). Half spider, half rabbit, all fluffy. Though not really poisonous, it could possibly kill you by hugging you to death with its 8 cuddly legs.

Saturday, November 6, 2010


I did some fall cleaning today. Things were going well until I stumbled across an infestation of FUZZBALLS. I was really suprised to say the least, I thought we sprayed for those. I took off running and that fuzzy little hoard gave chase. I thought I was doomed, lucky for me Beau was there and he was sticky. It is a well known fact that fuzzballs do not like being sticky, so they high tailed it out of there. Seeing as how the threat had been averted, we gave beau a bath, and all was well at the bostwick house hold.


The other day I was watching a show and saw the original concept art for KING KONG and they were awesome. I decided to do my own version of king kong, actually prince kong. This picture did not take me 2 days to draw. I had a different drawing that took a long time, but I ran out of ink in that pen so I went with this style. It still counts as 2 days.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010


What you see before you today is a male African Pygmy Flying Gorilla. This Winged Primate is very solitary. He is only viewed above the lush jungle canopy, he is often mistaken for a large vulture or other predatory bird. These Primates are a little more aggressive than a normal gorilla because they suffer from the "short gorilla syndrome" or "SGS" as those who study this creature like to say. Other than the SGS the pygmy gorilla is a very normal primate, all except the flying thing.


This my friends is the elusive and deadly Ninja Sloth of the Amazon. originally a gentile creature. I dawned the guise of the ninja when his brother species became extinct. Now rarely seen, it is the hunter. It disembowels anyone unlucky enough to hunt in their territory, or anyone who dare lay eyes upon this demon creature. So how do I know this being exists, on a recent trip to South America I had the misfortune of crossing paths with this diabolical beast. Luckily as stealthy and deadly as they may be, they are still sloths. I simply just out ran him, but in 30 odd years he is sure to have traveled to find me and I will be looking over my shoulder.

Monday, November 1, 2010


Days given, taken, and used. Painful some, joyous others, the haunting mystery of life overwhelms.

Sunday, October 31, 2010


All Hallows Eve would not be complete without a sheep who, shunned by his peers, created a robot to exact his revenge, and create mass histaria. Happy Halloween!!


So I played the mad scientist again and created this mostrosity ( I don't think I spelled that right)
any way I could not figure out where to stash him, the depths of the ocean, the deep forest. Then it hit me, no one thinks twice about a monster in space so i sent him to a not so distant planet to devour its natural inhabitants.

Friday, October 29, 2010


Theodore (TEDDY) Kruger was loved buy a sweet little girl. The other Stuffed animals grew jealous of Teddy. Their plan was a simple one, set him ablaze and turn him to ash. Their plan worked perfectly, so they thought. At night when the moon was at its apex, Teddy Kruger returned and exacted his revenge on those cute and cuddly stuffed animals. When the last piece of cotton stuffing fell to the floor Teddy returned to that place of make believe from whence he came.

Thursday, October 28, 2010


Well I got it done (barely) Here it is. Now don't tell me you DON'T know what it is. Like you've never seen a flying zombie unicorn before. To tell you the truth I hadn't either till tonight and that is when I decided to create my own. Its kinda like a cute little dead pony, well not really, but wouldn't you love to ride him. I know I would. But wouldn't he eat your brains you ask. No no no haven't you seen any zombie movies the only brains he eats are unicorn brains, and monkey brains but that is another story all together and I just do not have the time to explain it right now.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010


Screaming in silence. Falling, alone, the light dims as I fade away. A cold calm sweeps across my face, I surrender.

My FLUFFY little NIGHMARE!!! DAY 7 ish

So last night i didn't get anything posted because I was dealing with this little monster. It got into a bucket of candy and went haywire for about 3 hours. We Finally captured it and locked it away, but it is still giving me grief this morning. Luckily it hasn't found the candy yet.

Monday, October 25, 2010

My FLUFFY Little NIGHTMARE!!! DAY6 part 4

Nature holds many secrets, Lochness, Bigfoot, Chupacabra, and the elusive Beavcoon. A creature of mystery and darkness, the beavcoon is seen on very rare occasions. My Sister came upon this incomprehensibale creature of the night while strolling through the woods. It crossed her path and she Froze, aswell did the creature. It turned its gaze upon her and peairced her soul with his eyes. What was he looking for, Darkness perhaps, a kindrid spirit. After what seemed like a lifetime he turned to continued on his path. Relived and filled with chills my sister retreated back to the light, never to se that dreadfull thing again! (hopefully)

My FLUFFY Little NIGHTMARE!!! DAY6 part 3

Ok so part 3. This is the "PENGUISHER" Left for Dead on the edge of an Iceburg, his family brutally murdered. He dawns the image FEAR and takes revenge on those individuals responsible!
And any one else stupid enough to take advantage of the weak!

My FLUFFY Little NIGHTMARE!!! DAY6 part 2

So This is pretty much the way I felt all day Fri. not much more to say.

My FLUFFY Little NIGHTMARE!!! DAY6 part 1

So I got really sick on friday and finally felt better today so now I have to catch you guys up on all the nightmares I came up with. My Sister and I went Ghost Hunting on Thurs. night and caught this little fuzzy orb. So we put him in a mason jar with a stick and a leaf to recreate his natural habitat. but don't feel bad, we are strictly catch and release hunters. We let this guy go later that evening, no harm done.

Thursday, October 21, 2010


So I took my son swimming this morning and rememberd a phobia I had when I was younger about Piranhas swimming through the grates on the bottom and eatting me. (don't laugh I've seen the movies) Anyway I realized Piranhas are not so fluffy, so I pulled out my Mad Scientist goggles, white over coat, and diabolical laugh and came up with this monstrosity! It is the cutest, albeit deadliest creature in a eucalyptus tree. I call him the "PIRALA" DUN, DUN,DUUUUUN!!! Anyway he is your fluffy nightmare of the day

Wednesday, October 20, 2010


So I finally decided to start using my blog. It has only been a year since I signed up for it. I am going to be posting some of my sketches and drawings of cartoons, comics, t-shirt designs, and possably some ghost hunting pics. Should be REALLY exciting.

For my First posts I decided to follow the example of some other cartoonist bloggers who have created drawings everyday for a month. I really should have started at the begining of Oct. but I didn't so I am starting now. My 31 Days of AWSOME is titled "My fluffy little nightmare" This is the first image of the set. Hope you enjoy.