Monday, March 7, 2011

ROBOCOP concept art

These are some concept art designs I did for the upcoming Robo cop movie. (I will post more later)
I tried to stay true to the original concept without being cheesy. It has sort of a Iron man feel as well. I gave him detachable wings, thrusters on his boots, and a machine gun in his forearm( There is a detachable pack with round that feed into his arm). I hope you guys enjoy, and This is not really for the movie I just like saying so cause it makes me feel like I have accomplished something.

Thundercats concept art

All right I just finished these two pics. Again they are based of of G.I. Joe Renegades cartoon. I gave them a new style with a little throwback to their original costumes. Also a little military desing sprinkled in for fun. I did not have time to do the twins or Snarf, I will try to get to them later, heaven knows they all need a makeover.