Wednesday, November 17, 2010


My head is full of nonsense and monsters. These are a few of them. First we have failure dancing a jig, he is always on my mind. Then there is the part of me that should be kept in a mental institution(personally I think all of us has one of those). Then here in the back of my mind in a dimly lit room is my two headed monster Depression and Pain. They get out a lot more than I would like. Then we have Anger, He is always shouting at others but I am the only one that hears him. He would like me to rant and rave just like him. In the back is where I keep all my Stress. These little monsters are a constant pain in my neck. And finally the one who lives under the stairs. I have never let him out, actually he scares me. He whispers to me in the dark, Things I cannot repeat. Some of these monsters get lose every now and then. Some, hopefully, never will, but they do all reside here in my mind.

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