Saturday, November 13, 2010


We all know the song, a creature descending on us from above. Frightened for our lives we begin to run, only to be stopped by a voice assuring us safety. The creature approaches, and asks if we know a rock and roll band he could join. Later we see him on t.v. playing music from the horn on his head, all is well. Alas my friends, the truth is much more grim. This one eyed one horned flying purple people-eater, does not just eat purple. To let you in on a well known fact THERE ARE NO SUCH THINGS AS PURPLE!!!!. So I suggest if you see this flying monstrosity do not be fooled by his charming personality, nor his brilliant horn play. He is a deadly beast that just wants to consume you. The song was a marketing ploy to make people think that these things are cute, and cuddly. Just like Hollywood did with Vampires. A love struck vampire, Please give me a break. Stupid Twilight ruined vampires for ever. If I was a vampire (and I might be, I haven't got the blood work back) I would eat tha writter for macking my species look like pansies, nobody is afraid of things that sparkle. You never hear "AAAAAGH it's sparkling, run for your lives". On the contrary things that sparkle are fun, for example, cider, jelly shoes, and cheerleader outfits.

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